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Generalist to Specialist? Ever thought about it? The time might be now.

Increasingly digital & marketing positions in the midlands, home counties & south east markets are becoming specialised. How has this happened? How can candidates adapt?

If you’re searching for a new challenge in this space and have been trawling the job sites you may be forgiven for thinking the chunky generalist Marketing Manager or Digital Marketing Manager opportunities have been overtaken by the ‘Specialist’ opportunities, particularly in digital (SEO, Social Media, PPC, Insight, Acquisition or Optimisation) due an increasing demand for these skills amongst clients.

If you’re reading this and already a ‘Specialist’ the good news is that you’re undoubtedly going to be presented with plenty of new opportunities over the next few months & years, albeit some specialisms are growing quicker than others. Don’t specialise in something that isn’t here to stay! The lack of specialists in positions like SEO & PPC means you may also take advantage of increased packages in the short/medium term as employers scramble for the best talent and these skills become more prevalent in the market.

However, what for the generalist marketer? How do they secure their place in this ever-changing market? For those managing teams from a strategic ‘helicopter view’ fear not, you will always be needed and may be used to manage teams of specialists in the future. On the flip-side for those who are managing multi-channel marketing plans with smaller teams or in stand-alone roles your chances of joining bigger businesses with evolving digital & marketing teams are decreasing by the year as these clients shift towards a specialist model. Not a problem if you love the ‘varied’ SME role! You will always be welcome here, however this may restrict your income further down the line.

For the generalist not interested in specialising in an aspect of digital or marketing there is another way; by becoming an expert in your industry (e.g a specialist in FMCG, Financial Services or Construction). Again, look to the future and choose wisely as well as where your passion lies; this will go one step further to securing your place in the market as your career develops.

If you have a particular situation that you’d appreciate confidential advice or support with please don’t hesitate to call Proximity on 01327 856127.

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