Businesses are starting to learn that this trap isn’t one to fall into.
The perception of Christmas in business varies across industries, but with shutdown periods, early finishes and the occasion office party hangover it could be considered a less productive month. However, while some competitors switch off those willing to push the boundaries are given an opportunity to gain market share, with one of the biggest opportunities being the attraction of key skills and successful recruitment in an increasingly competitive talent market.
Candidates understand that the New Years Resolution of ‘New Year, New Start’ in recruitment terms means that with 4 weeks’ notice period they have to be active in the December market, alternatively a slow start to the interview processes in January could mean a frustratingly long wait until a new job can start well into the spring.
The wily candidate will have also figured out that by January, most candidates will have reflected on their situations and subsequently decided ‘enough is enough, I’m going to find myself something new’, thus tripling the competition out there for the best jobs. Tackle your new job search in December however and the competition are out Christmas jumper shopping & knocking back the mulled wine; easy pickings for the best, motivated talent!
Remarkably some organisations don’t recognise December as a recruitment friendly month despite the fact this is the month where candidates have most days off during the year. Some employees will have saved holiday up, can’t roll it over and so are looking for any reason to take that extra day, therefore for many it’s easier to meet new businesses and discuss opportunities without arousing suspicion in their current place of work.
From a client’s perspective taking on the market at this traditionally quieter time can also save your organisation budget as well. Many job boards promote discounted deals for job advertising in November & December before cranking prices up in January to meet the rush. Recruitment agencies will usually have more space in their portfolios and so are more susceptible to fee negotiation as well as having more free time to dedicate to your project rather than in a fiery, hectic start to a new year where the options for the best candidates will have significantly increased.
Don’t be that team leader who starts the year with 3 vacancies alongside your already overflowing mug of responsibilities, hit the recruitment market on your terms, take advantage of the candidate availability and get those new skills signed up & ready to go for a bright New Year start!